In general, the later in the day the event (after 6 p.m.), the dressier. Long dresses are usually reserved only for formal (black tie) occasions.
While some fabrics are year-round -- silk, brocade, organza, jersey -- fabrics like velvet and gold spangles are best reserved for winter holidays.
Remember that darker colors and simple cuts (a sheath, an A-line) are the most flattering.
Show off your best feature. If you have gorgeous eyes, then play them up with beautiful makeup, off-the-face hair and jeweled earrings in a complimentary shade.
Not sure what your best asset is? Ask a friend or significant other. Or go to a store that sells special occasion dresses and enlist the salesperson's help.
Red, bold prints, even gold are dramatic enough for evening wear. Pastels, mid-range brights and soft prints look great for dressy day occasions.
Blue (from navy to royal), pink (from cotton candy to fuchsia) and white (from candlelight to cream) look great on almost everyone. Remember that the "Don't wear white to a wedding" wisdom is still considered a fashion don't by most women.
Instead of going with something trendy, try to find a dress that reflects classic, timeless elegance. Remember that you'll have to look at photos of you in the dress for years to come.
Classic special occasion dresses are often deceptively simple, but they usually let the beauty of the wearer shine through. A few examples: the little black dress (a.k.a the cocktail dress), a goddess gown (draped and rouched), a ballgown, a slip dress.
Shop secondhand stores and sales to save even more money on a dress.
If you shop in a store, dress for the day by bringing along heels, any special accessories you know you want to use and a strapless bra.
When shopping online, make sure you understand both the sizing (know your measurements and check against a size chart on the site) and the return policy (some stores don't take returns on dresses.)
Although you may want to add tons of glitz, remember that you can kill a look with too much matchy-matchy accessorizing. Find earrings, necklace and bracelet that compliment each other without being a matching set.
If your legs aren't perfect enough to go bare need camouflage and you don't like to wear leg makeup, then opt for super-sheer hose or fishnets.
![]() | Siapkan bahan-bahan untuk resep rumahan ini yaitu 2 oz (sekitar 60 ml) yogurt tanpa rasa (plain yogurt), 2 sendok teh madu, 3/4 sendok teh wheat germ oil, 1 oz (30 mg) potongan apel kualitas baik, 1 sendok teh jus lemon, 1-1/2 sendok makan kentang lumat atau tepung kentang serta 5 tetes minyak esensial lavender. |
Cara pembuatannya adalah campurkan semua bahan ke dalam sebuah wadah disertai pengaduk, kemudian aduk hingga semua bahan tercampur rata. Pindahkan ke wadah yang kedap udara dan taruh di kulkas. Produk ini bertahan hingga tiga hari.
Memperbaiki penampilan dengan injeksi Botox (botulinum toxin) dan suntikan serupa lainnya sebaiknya pikir ulang seribu kali lagi menyusul kasus 16 kematian dan masalah serius lainnya setelah racun botulinum menyebar di seluruh tubuh, demikian sebuah peringatan yang datang dari sekelompok konsumen di AS.
Public Citizen meminta pihak berwenang di AS untuk menerapkan peringatan keras, termasuk meng-highlight dalam sebuah kotak hitam atas Botox dari Allergan Inc dan Myobloc dari Solstice Neuroscience Inc.
Botox terkenal karena dapat menghaluskan kerutan di wajah namun juga disetujui untuk penggunaan medis tertentu untuk terapi cervical dystonia, atau otot leher yang kaku. Myobloc secara jelas hanya boleh digunakan di leher.
Namun kedua suntikan itu dibuat dari racun botulinum, yang dapat melumpuhkan otot-otot.
Public Citizen menyatakan telah mengkaji 180 laporan yang diajukan ke Food and Drug Administration oleh para pabrikan yang melibatkan injeksi untuk pasien dengan Botox atau Myobloc. Kasus laporan itu umumnya memuat mengenai melemahnya otot, kesulitan menelan atau aspiration pneumonia, sebuah kondisi serius yang disebabkan oleh terisapnya material asing ke dalam paru-paru.
Sebanyak 16 kasus dilaporkan fatal, termasuk empat anak di bawah usia 18 tahun. Sedangkan pasien lainnya masuk rumah sakit.
Dr. Sidney Wolfe, direktur di Public Citizen's Health Research Group, menyatakan masalah tersebut dapat terjadi jika racun botulinum menyebar dari tempat injeksi ke esofagus, menyebabkan kelumpuhan parsial.
Public Citizen meminta FDAmemerintahkan sebuah 'black-box warning' untuk highlight masalah tersebut dan mengirimi para dokter surat pemberitahuan. Para pabrikan juga harus memberitahu risiko injeksi Botox kepada konsumen yang akan disampaikan oleh para dokter yang melakukan suntikan.
Kelompok itu mengatakan bahwa pihak berwenang di Eropa telah memperingatkan pada dokter untuk mengamati secara seksama tan-tanda komplikasi racun botulinum sejak Maret 2007.
Bukan Jaminan Yang Instant Itu Lebih Baik
Berpikirlah Dahulu Sebelum Bertindak
It's powerful stuff. You won't find two better guests - feminist pioneer and Ms. Magazine founder Gloria Steinem and Princeton University Associate Professor of Politics and African American Studies Melissa Harris-Lacewell - to debate this polarizing topic. And you will learn a great deal, as I did.
Steinem discusses the intent behind her controversial New York Times op-ed piece and her dismay that the gender bashing of Clinton has descended into what are essentially pornographic treatments of the Senator. Harris-Lacewell calls Steinem out on what she finds racist about her statements, and reveals that her own op-ed piece at Slate has resulted in death threats against her and her daughter.
Steinem, to her credit, focuses on the end result and reminds us of the need for mutual respect, even in the most heated moments:
...[W]e have to win this election, and we have to win our humanity, in addition and along the way.... I refuse to be divided on this. It seems to me that ... fundamentally ... we have to keep talking and keep honoring each other’s opinions ...Yes, we must continue to honor each other's opinions. But first, we have to feel empowered to voice them.
All I wanted was a good smart friend to sit down beside me, explain the ins and outs, and help me make an intelligent decision that I thoroughly understood. Because when we graduate from college and go out in the world to make our way alone, there are no instruction manuals for the nitty gritty details of daily life.
Melissa Kirsch is that good smart friend, and she's put together that instruction manual. The Girl's Guide to Everything covers anything and everything that might come up in your life. She spoke with women from their late 20s to 40s to find out what they wish they'd known when they started out, and compiled hundreds of facts, anecdotes, and useful recommendations.
Athough it's intended for those in their postcollege years, it's helpful for women of any age. If you have a family member or friend that you don't want to send out in the world alone, make sure this goes on the journey with her.
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