Manfaat Vitamin bagi tubuh kita, diantaranya:
Vitamin A: Untuk melawan penuaan
Terbukti melalui berbagai penelitian, vitamin A bisa melawan penuaan. “Ada lebih dari 700 studi yang dipublikasikan yang sudah mencoba dan membuktikan bahwa vitamin A (yang juga dikenal sebagai retinoid), bisa menahan tanda-tanda penuaan. Cara penggunaan terefektif adalah di malam hari. Retinoid yang didapat melalui resep bisa bekerja antara 4-8 minggu.
Namun, efek samping yang bisa timbul adalah iritasi, kemerahan, pengelupasan, dan kulit mengering. Produk-produk yang dijual bebas di pasaran yang mengandung retinoid lebih aman digunakan karena kandungannya tak banyak, dan retinolnya perlahan berubah menjadi retinoic acid. Untuk menghindari iritasi, aplikasikan obat yang mengandung retinoid 2-3 kali seminggu dengan jangka waktu harian dalam jumlah sedikit ke seluruh wajah.
Vitamin B3: Mendorong kelembaban dan mengurangi kemerahan
Terdapat di lotion, krim, dan serum, dikenal juga dengan nama niacinamide. Terbukti menambah produksi ceramides dan fatty acids, dua komponen yang memberi perlindungan pada kulit. Ketika pelindung kulit menguat, kulit lebih baik menjaga kelembaban dan menjauhi iritasi, sehingga cocok untuk kulit kering atau sensitif. Untuk hasil maksimum, aplikasikan B3 di malam dan pagi hari. Untuk mengurangi iritasi akibat retinoid, gunakan bersamaan dengan B3. Selain mengurangi efek samping, keduanya jika disatukan bisa memberikan efek baik untuk melawan penuaan.
Vitamin C: Si Penghambat tanda-tanda penuaan
Melalui riset ditemukan bahwa vitamin C berguna melawan radikal bebas yang menyebabkan kerutan, kulit bergelambir, dan tanda-tanda penuaan lainnya. Vitamin C juga membantu menghaluskan dan mengenyalkan kulit, sekaligus menghilangkan flek-flek hitam. Meski terdengar mirip fungsinya dengan retinoid yang terdapat di vitamin A, jika keduanya digunakan bersamaan bisa memberikan kesempurnaan warna kulit. Penuaan kulit datang dalam bentuk yang berbeda-beda, jadi dibutuhkan berbagai bentuk perlindungan untuk memperbaiki kerusakan pada kulit. Gunakan vitamin C di pagi hari sebelum tabir surya.
Vitamin E: Melawan kekeringan pada kulit
Banyak terdapat di tabir surya dan produk-produk setelah terkena sinar matahari. Produk yang terbaik adalah yang mengandung sekurangnya 1% vitamin E. Riset membuktikan bahwa vitamin E memberikan perlawanan terhadap kekeringan dengan membantu memberikan pelembab natural pada kulit. Vitamin E juga mampu menetralisir radikal bebas. Bahkan ada penelitian yang membuktikan bahwa vitamin E bisa mengurangi molekul jahat yang terjadi akibat paparan asap rokok. Riset lain mencatat bahwa jika digunakan sebelum terkena matahari, vitamin E bisa mencegah kulit kemerahan, bengkak, dan kering. Aplikasikan sebelum dan sesudah terkena paparan sinar matahari. Sinar matahari langsung bisa merusak setengah dari suplai vitamin E alami kulit. Jadi, pastikan untuk mengenakan tabir surya yang mengandung banyak vitamin E dan vitamin C sebelum terkena sinar matahari.
Vitamin K: Untuk mata lebih bersinar
Banyak ditemukan di krim mata yang juga mengandung retinol. Vitamin K dipercaya bisa membantu mengatasi lingkar mata hitam. Pembuluh kapiler yang rentan dan bocor di sekitar daerah mata sering diakui sebagai penyebab hitamnya daerah di sekitar mata. Vitamin K, yang dikenal juga sebagai phytonadione, bisa membantu mengontrol aliran darah. Penggunaan vitamin K teratur bisa membuat bagian lingkar mata yang menghitam terlihat lebih cerah. Gunakan 2-3 hari seminggu setiap sebelum tidur untuk mencegah iritasi, jika tidak ada, perbanyak waktu penggunaan, misalnya 4 hari seminggu.
VARIOUS made a new approach in the industry including the beauty of animals as property of cosmetics that are not synthetic, including the snake massage, hair treated with fish eggs (caviar), and leech.
"Customers are always looking for material for the purpose of special natural beauty," said Bonnie Bonadeo, Chairman of the Program Development and Education in the Professional Beauty Association, the organization representing the merchants beauty manufacturers, retailers, salon and spa.
"Other creative and unique, and invite the attention of the owner of a spa in the world than some of the exceptional treatment in the United States," he said.
Was such a treatment method does not get attention from the beauty and spa market. However, Dr. Leslie Baumann, the head of the Research Institute for Health and Beauty at the University of Miami, USA, emphasized the more and more people are interested in the property because it involves a unique selebritas famous.
For example, the face of treatment 'ala Geisha' including subtilize with bird droppings or feces nightingale (Pycnonotidae) is, among other services offered in the entire United States including spa Shizuka Spa in New York.
Nightingale bird droppings said advance is used to clean the Geisha (traditional Japanese female artists) wearing the thick white cosmetic and usually contain moisturizer. Natural substances contained in the excrement is the dead skin cells, said Lance Suzuki, a specialist in the spa.
Treatment with the modern face of bird droppings that should be mixed Japanese rice bran to remove baunya. This method is believed to be clean and merontokkan skin cells to die. Spa treatment offer is the price of 180 U.S. dollars in January, and two to the face during the treatment week.
Women always want to look beautiful and interesting. Sometimes all the way to ditempuhnya can also be seen as possible. No exception to the way the operation or to buy goods that are very expensive. Of the present full of innovation and technology we deliver to the new things that previously we never imagined. Now enough with the goods under this innovation, you can appear 'new'.
Contact Lenses Berwarna
Appear more exotic to impose a false eyelash. "Colored contact lenses can make eyes appear more natural with a glint," said Romero Jennings, a senior cosmetology experts from MAC Cosmetics.
Visit the eye doctor for a prescription or the type of contact lens is right for you. Choose a color that can highlight on your original eye color. If you dare, choose colors that are not normal to make you look more exciting.
Hair Extention
Have thin hair and long hair more volume with a quick way? Additional Hair (Hair extention) is the answer. "Hair extention can give you the beautiful view and the hair volume without the need pengaplikasian many products in your head," said Eliut Rivera, Rivera Eliut salon owner in New York, United States.
Do, use hair color that senada with your original hair color. To add a volume of hair, separate the hair into several sections, semprotkan hairspray on the hair root, and paste with some hair to the length of hair is the same as the original as close as possible to the root of the hair. To make the hair appear more full and have long hair paste that is longer than your original hair in the bottom of the back of the head.
Additional eye brow
Often annoyed with the eye brow that is not visible balanced? Using a brow pencil does not even make it look natural? Relax, now there are new tools that add color to the brow look more natural. Shapes such as a transparent gel, there is a sheet in a sheet-like fiber of hair.
Additional Hair Eyes
Dependence often with mascara to make eyes look more 'alive'? Occasionally you can try to change the routine use of additional hair. "Hair can make the false eye appear more fresh and more full of cilia. Better than any mascara, "said Jennings.
How, search cilia with the same color and slightly longer than the original lash. Give special eyelash glue along the false lid, wait 30 seconds until the half-dry. View towards the bottom, and paste the false lash to the eye before perekatnya glue dry. Give liquid eyeliner in black or brown the remaining space between the false eyelash.
False nails
Kuteks apply the nail or cut yourself often blowzy? Unnecessary chapfallen again, use live clutches false. No need to fuss, just stay tempel. No need to fuss to get a manicure salon. Now you can buy the clutches to make a false finger-finger you appear more sweet and neat. Before pasting, make sure your original nail in the net, and then paste clutches false slowly to make sure they are correct in the circumstances.
Express with a variety of sexual fantasy game sex techniques. Way through the public can embrace or kiss. However, a more sensational action is lick.
As quoted from the SheKnows, you can give a different sensation to make top pair with menjilati body at the sensitive flesh. Here are some sensitive areas that the body you can lick the withdrawal enjoy a delicious ice cream.
The lips
Action lick the lips are most preferred by the pair. Action kiss, lick, and bite mouth pair is able to increase orgasme.
The chest
Dada has a high sensitivity due to a nerve passing through the body of this one. You can provide a tremendous stimulus menjilati pair of breasts. Different ways and sensation you can enjoy with a sense of variation in the indra pengecapnya, eg, sweet taste with a smear of the body with a pair spread honey, milk, chocolate or liquid.
That optimistic people live longer, healthier and even more pessimistic than the people, U.S. researchers said some, Kamis (5 / 3), in a study that may give a more pessimistic people a reason to grumble.
The researchers at the University of Pittsburgh the average number of death and chronic health conditions among the patients in the study Women `s Health Initiative - that have followed the development of more than 100,000 women aged 50 years and above since 1994.
Women who have optimistic - estimate of the good things and bad will not happen - 14 percent less likely to die due to any cause compared with people who pessimistic, and 30 percent less might exhale of breath due to heart problems after eight years observation in the study.
People may be less optimistic also for high blood pressure, diabetes or cigarette suck.
Team, led by Dr. Hilary Tindle, also examine the very women who do not believe in other people - one group which they call "very cynical hostile" - and compare them with women who trust other people more.
Women in the warring groups in the cynical tend to agree with questions like: "I often have to accept the command of someone who did not know as much as I know" or "do not trust the safe one," Tindle said in an interview with a phone or device journalist news UK, Reuters.
"This proves not believe common sense to others," said Tindle, which presents studies on the annual meeting Thursday in the American Psychosomatic Society in Chicago. Thinking patterns such pluck victims.
"Women who are hostile cynic 16 percent more likely to die (during the study period) compared with women who are not too hostile a cynical," said Tindle. They were also 23 percent more likely to have caused the death of cancer.
Tindle said the study did not prove that negative attitudes lead to negative health impact, but he says all the findings really are a show of the day.
"I think we really need more research to design a treatment that will be directed to the human attitude to see if all that can be changed and whether changes are beneficial for health," he said.
And Tindle says although a pesimitis might think, "My fate is decided. No I can do, I do not believe is true.` We just do not know "
THAN potentially decrease the number of sperm, as dituding Obesity also causes memburuknya passion and sexual life for the adam.
We do not think the decrease sexual passion will only occur in men age 50 years and over. Your new age 30-an mengalaminya any risk, especially if you have excess body weight or Obesity.
Actually not new news that excess body weight has almost no positive side to any health care.
Various diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease is a real threat that should diwaspadai the fat. In addition, researchers also remind the world medical risk memburuknya quality of life of the male sex Obesity.
Dr Ahmad Hammoud from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, United States, said, through the research of 390 men had revealed that men have sperm Obesity a risk three times less than normal weight men. Not only in terms of quantity, quality spermanya was far worse. But on the other hand, the low number of sperm are often associated with Infertility or infertilitas.
Found after the fact is, the more Hammoud also tergelitik to conduct advanced research on the influence of Obesity on the sexual satisfaction of men. "We want to know whether the biological Obesity is associated with dissatisfaction in sexual life? And if so, what can be improved?" he said.
Hammoud also be based for the conclusion that Obesity can change the body of male hormonal system, ie, decrease in hormone levels and meningginya kadar testosteron hormone estrogen. The worst possibility is the decreasing quality of life for sex with men.
Fortunately, when this is available through an alternative to surgical bypass Obesity gastrik. This surgical procedure is considered as the most effective and safe in operation between the various types of decrease in body weight. The principle is the reduction of food supply with installing ties (appeal) on the top of the stomach is through minor surgery.
Together with other research team, Hammoud collect data from 64 men with Obesity average weight of 150 kg and body mass index (IMT) 46.2. Found that the weight of the body weight of male-male, then the lower the value the higher testosteron and estrogen level. In addition, male-male is also a problem about the Infertility and sexual life that is not happy. Result does not believe in themselves, they also tend to avoid body contact (copulate) with a spouse.
To find out the influence of body weight reduction of sexual function, as many as 22 men are required to do bypass surgery gastrik. Two years later, the men, this IMT decreased an average of 17 points. Estrogen level go down significantly, and even crawl testosteron level increased again. When asked about the quality of sexual life, they claim to be able to enjoy sex with the more confident, enthusiastic, and intimate.
Meanwhile, those who do not perform bypass surgery gastrik not show significant changes, both in terms of hormone levels and sexual life.
Results of this research then published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism edition. Results of research is or should be a reference for those who may be adam currently experiencing sexual disfunction, such as weakness, loss of appetite or loyo have sex. Please check your IMT, what year is excessive.
IMT obtained from the body weight (kg) divided by a high body square (m2) for this benchmark formula used to measure Obesity. However, if the lazy, make your belt as a parameter. As a benchmark, waist larger than 90 cm is a sign of "danger" for men. While for women, the risk increased when waist circumference over 80 cm.
Why waist circumference as a barometer of the selected health? Apparently related to Obesity is central, the pile of fat in the stomach cavity. Well, the pile of fat in the stomach reflected increased waist circumference.
Androlog from RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta, dr Nugroho Setiawan MS SpAnd, disclose, Obesity may be one of the marker and the occurrence of triggered Erectile Dysfunction (DE). "To identify the men with DE that can not only see the outside appearance. However, based on experience dealing with patients, many men are obese DE. Or vice versa, with a lean body musculature is not developed," aks him.
Pujiono Cahyo Widiyanto alias sheik Puji request again penahannnya suspended. Suspect cases under the age of marriage is grounded must manage thousands of employees and santri Pondok Pesantren Miftakhul Jannah in the Village Bedono, Semarang, Central Java. Penanguhan detention sheik asked friends Puji, att Kiai Ali Husain at membesuknya. Puji sheik is in custody Polwiltabes Semarang as a suspect in the case of under-age marriage.
Desire the rich villages of origin to ask for postponement Bedono detention is for behind the sesumbarnya. Before the arrest, the sheik Puji marriage series built prison in the land claim does not fear arrest. However, after the iron grating dinginnya feel that actually, the sheik Lutfiana ulfa marry, girls aged 12 years this changed my mind.
If you stress the body and the condition of weak, try one of the relaxation of massage called moxa stick. Moxa stick with the massage, the body will be back in shape and free from disease. Moxa stick massage smooth circulation of blood so the body no longer hurt or pain. Want to try?
Treatment that has been one year this can be developed to help facilitate the body's musculature is tired because of the activity. Moxa stick massage strengthen immune system / resistance so that the body from various diseases.
According to Ratna Soesanto, consultants and spa treatment of Boenga Beauty Spa and Relaxation, massage moxa stick is a treatment that uses materials from the spices that are useful for smooth circulation of blood in the body mix with the ginger. Many use a stick of moxa treatment is massage. In addition to smooth circulation of blood in the body, this treatment can eliminate stress and help cure disease. So, the relaxation can be seen from the tip of the hair to toe, "said Ratna.
Of the simple procedures. First, the patient's blood pressure checked. Then the patient that the treatment will be done be oiled olive oil. "Before the treatment is done, the patient is examined first. Keluhannya What are the new treatment is done on the dots on the body associated with the patient complaints," Ratna go.
After that, the treatment continued with the use of ginger have been shredded at a certain point, such as some point on the back and legs based on the dots meredien body. Ginger is useful as an introduction to heat and open the pore-pore. Ago, and burned moxa on ginger diasapkan retroactive to feel warm. "Point-point moxa treatment depends on the patient's condition and complaints. Usually between 10-15 feet from the point to the head," he said. After that, proceed accupresure the dots on the legs and back. patients to open and memperlancarkan blood circulation and muscle merelaksasikan.
Reflecting a point emphasized in the sole beneficial to accelerate blood circulation, reduce stress, tired, tired, trouble sleeping, and to increase body resistance and prevent the disease early. Next, penotokan at the head of patient work to open the nerve center so that the oxygen carried to the brain to become better. "So far there are no side effects. It is safe because of the material-natural herbal ingredients. Not that there is something given to or inserted into the body," he explained.
Still according to Ratna, in order to obtain optimum results this treatment should be done a week or two weeks. "For the treatment of migraine and stress complaints can be done once a week. For stroke patients can be 2 times a week," he added.
Will be better if the treatment is done after beraktivitas or at the weekend. And everyone. "Care can handle cases such as stress, migraine, heart, kidney, liver, autis children, so it can better focus. Whether to maintain the vitality and pasutri for all kinds of diseases," he said.
EVERY person has a problem with the hair. For example, you berketombe scalp, but dry hair. And this problem is quite provoking. For if you use a shampoo for hair that berketombe, tip of your hair even more dry. Therefore, identify the type of hair and understand how to care.
Must be recognized that there are still many people not serious and should not know how to treat the hair. If there are any problems, just call and scurf , the only sober merawatnya without understanding the truth. For example, some people assume that dry hair caused by dandruff. In fact, dry hair because it causes a lot of factors. "Even the people are often wrong kaprah with his hair them berketombe. Furfur is not the problem with the hair shaft, but it happened on the scalp," said Osmond Kitrana, Marketing & Communication Services from Johnny Andrean Treatment Series.
To reduce the occurrence of errors in diagnosis, diagnostic tools used hair. Hearing diagnosis of hair is useful to know the problems of hair. "By using the tool in the diagnosis of hair problems," Osmond row. The correct diagnosis will stimulate the right treatment as well.
Basically, the type of normal, dry and oily. Usually, the type of skin is the most problematic type of oily scalp. Condition of the oily skin is the place berkembangbiaknya fungus Pityrosporum ovale that causes dandruff. Dry scalp that can exfoliate the skin, causing the emergence serpihan-white serpihan like dandruff. Meanwhile, the sensitive skin condition triggered by the wrong treatment, so that arose that caused irritation of the skin to become sensitive.
In addition to type 3, there is also the type of combination skin. Usually this type of skin problem that is often found difficult and overcome. But everyone has a different problem. Sometimes the type of oily scalp, but there serpihan that resemble dandruff. And this is usually shampoo.
While the type of hair divided into 4 types, namely normal, dry, oily, and the type of hair damaged by the chemical processes such as bleaching, coloring, waving, and straightening. Hair fork, fall, faint, and not easily broken, including the type of hair, but the effects of the wrong hair care. So, identify the type of hair with hair diagnostic tool, so that pananganan and treatment is appropriate. Here are some steps the right hair care:
Diagnosis of hair
This is the first step before treatment. With diagnose hair and scalp, the hair will be the problem or the actual scalp.
Washing hair
Once know the problem, wash the hair with the right shampoo. Hair washed so that dirt attached to the hair and scalp terbuang or lost. So that the cream is applied can be merged into the perfect scalp and hair shaft.
Pengolesan cream
After a wash, hair cream be oiled in accordance with the issue on the scalp. "If the scalp have a problem, we usually treat the skin first. After that, we treat the new hair," said Osmond. Then start the cream trim, while given a special massage to improve the absorption of cream to the hair root and stem.
The process of relaxation
In this process, therapeutist provide massage that works to calm nerves and release from the nerve-head, neck, shoulder to the hand of all.
The process of steaming
The process is then steaming the hair. This process serves to maximize the absorption of the cream applied to the hair root and stem. Steaming steam with ozone that is not hot or warm. At the end of the steaming process, will be given to close the cold air return pore-pore.
After steaming the hair, hair washed and rinsed clean.
Once dried the hair, hair vitamin is given. This is a very important stage because the vitamin can be given to maintain and make improvements to the process of hair that is still working from the inside. This process also works to restore health and provide the necessary nutrition for hair.
Plain face without wipe powder or blush on will still be visible even though the only bright dipulas with perona lips. Make up this one really have extraordinary power to change the face of the perfect.
Unfortunately, we are often problematic when applying lipstick as quickly fade from the lips. Bolik frequently to a small room for making sure mengoleskannya back.
Than the confidence you drop, see the following tip from the SheKnows lipstick to survive long in your mouth:
Before daub lipstick, oleskan your mouth with lip balm (pelembap lips), which can give softness to the lips and kelembapan. Furthermore, to maintain kelembapan mouth, clean the rest of the lipstick with a special cleaner or soap formulated for a smooth lips.
Formula right
Choose a lipstick that contains the product formula for the right menutrisi health and skin care for your mouth. Consequently, not only merona lips, but also healthy and seduce.
The lips
Oleskan powder foundation or lipstick that survive long in the mouth. Next, make the lips to emphasize shapes. Provide a color with the color senada lips to show the effects of nature. Avoid applying the lip color with a darker appearance because it will make look odd.
Lipstick brush
Use the brush when applying lipstick so that results can wipe the color more evenly.
Glossy effect
Trappings perfect lips, you can give effect glossy lipstick as the final touch. With a glossy effect, the color looks more sensual lips, and tempt. Glossy effect is suitable for the make up applied glamorous at night.
If you want to cut corners in the cosmetology business, then the most important is to have a good foundation. Currently in the market, a good foundation is still quite expensive, but you have a high level of pigment and a little extra oxygen. That is, color has a more dense and do not cause skin problems. With the purchase a good foundation, then your face will be easier didandani and no more problem after that.
To provide a more uniform appearance, QQ Franky, experts cosmetology, pelembap recommend to mix with foundation applied on the face before. Spons special use for that pengaplikasian better. Jane Buckingham, author The Modern Girl's Guide to Life provides tips for choosing the right foundation color with the color face.
He suggested, before buying a foundation in beauty outlets-outlets, consider its application tester in part in the arms, which tend to be rather bright color of the outer sleeve. In the area of the arm in a color that has the most similar to skin color face. Never test the color on the face of the foundation is in the makeup-not because it will give you the original color.
To prevent the number of bacteria that grow in the foundation, to avoid direct mengaplikasikannya finger, use spons. Do not forget to wash regularly spons. If used, wash once a week, once a month and change.
Blood examination and ultrasound can help identify cancer in the ovary early stage, at least two years before symptoms appear, doctors said some of the UK this weekend.
Ovary cancer is one of the most cancer death, partly because the symptoms are not clear so that women are often not reviewed until the situation is already too late.
Nearly 100,000 women worldwide die due to ovary cancer each year. If the disease is found in the early stage, almost 90 percent of women can be saved.
Studies on the 200,000 women who use a second examination at the same time find that 90 percent of cases of ovary cancer, while the use of ultrasound alone each year reveals 75 percent. Almost half the cases are in the early phase I and phase II, when the cancer has not spread far and sometimes can still be treated.
Because at this time there is no examination for cancer of the ovary, have a reliable examination can save many lives, said Ian Jacobs and Usha stop from University College London.
"Significantly, this long-term studies encouraging, especially because almost half of ovary cancer is still detected at the initial stage (phase I), when the number of living can be high as 90 percent," said Peter Reynolds of the Ovarian Cancer Action, the UK, one in statement.
Ovary cancer diagnosed in more than 21,000 women in the United States during 2008 and killed more than 15,000 people; disease in the UK attacked as many as 7,000 women each year and killing more than 4,000 people.
Jacobs and disable the CA 125 blood examination and ultrasound examination transvagina has been successful in recent years and now offers more useful information to the doctor.
Prepared food in a restaurant 150 meters distance from the school can make at least five percent increase in the number of overweight students at the school.
Held a research economist at Columbia University and the University of California, Barkeley, USA said, "Prohibition of the existence of the fast food restaurant food in the environment near the school can be a sizable impact on the number of overweight among students who are affected."
The researchers examine how these impact on the neighborhood restaurant number obesity among three million students in class nine different California schools, and more than a million pregnant women in Michigan, New Jersey and Teksas, so the study of broadcast Friday (13 / 3) and cited British news agency, Reuters.
They focus on the nine-class students, particularly those aged 14 years, partly because the students undergo medical examination in the summer, about 30 weeks after the lesson begins, and Exposure to fast food meals.
Study that, the broadcast by "American Association of Wine Economist," shows, "The existence of a fast food restaurant in the tenth mile distance from the school relating to at least 5.2 percent increase in the number of overweight school."
Studies have also found that pregnant women living in a tenth of the distance fast food restaurants have "increased 4.4 percent likelihood of their body weight increased more than 20 kilos."
Studies that follow the development of one case that was submitted months ago in the conference "American Stroke Association." The researchers from the "University of Michigan" find people who live in an environment that was filled by fast food restaurants are more likely to stroke fell ill.
Ago in December, one study found that youth who learn in schools that are half a mile (0.80 kilometers) from where to eat fast food to eat fewer fruits and vegetables, drink more soda and more likely for overweight compared with students in other schools .
Dangerous precedent
Janet Currie, the main research studies economists Wine, and if the food fast food near schools result in obesity, the area has a fast food free food may be good policy.
"That will not differ much in the spirit of the policy aims to prohibit the soft drink and food is not healthy at school, or improve the quality of the lunch menu at school," he said.
Women's jurubicara for "Yum! Brands, parent company's KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and Long John Silver's, would not comment and only said he has not seen the study.
Burger King restaurant is also not a phone or device to request a comment.
Meanwhile, McDonald's jurubicara woman relationships phone or device refers to "the National Retail Federation, trade group in Washington.
"I think berhaya will be a precedent to restrict the type of business the legitimate and important, and where they must reside in a city," said the woman jurubicara federation, and Ellen Davis.
"Not more sensible for the elderly to limit a child's pocket money or let them know when and where they should not eat certain foods?" he ask.
Davis added a lot of restaurants have changed their menu in five years, especially for children's food.
"We saw a lot of healthy choices available - discount apple, milk instead of soda .... It is important to state that many chain restaurants have their menu meragamkan try and make the menu so that more healthy," he added.
In the previous post we already know what definition of the word 'beautiful' according to the women of Japan. Now let us move to other parts of the world. According to the Taboo on National Geographic Channel, in the more remote corners of the earth, women are 'beautiful' views of the different criteria.
In Myanmar and Thailand border, Kayan tribe members to start the ritual-cantikan them early on. At the age of 5 years, the children began to use copper necklace in their neck, rituals that have been held for centuries. As we age, necklace necklace for added se-neck so that the sweep, make their nam-pack like a giraffe wearing many necklaces. For women, the necklace copper status provides elegant and sign for them. In fact necklace-necklace that has become part of their lives that the weight can reach 10 kilograms!
Thousands of miles from the border Myanmar and Thailand, the Maori in New Zealand still practice a ritual-cantikan inheritance to your fathers-mentato their lips. People Polynesian descent is believed that women seem more attractive if their lips and chin ditato. Women's lips are black kebiruan will be considered very beautiful.
In India, women choose a more natural approach. On the day pernikahannya, the Indian women will be using cam-puran lemon, honey, turmeric and body seem to be shining. He also put on special clothes and jewelry and given a red dot on the forehead that make them seem interesting in the future before her husband.
In Oman, one of the countries in the Middle East, women also choose how to look naturally beautiful. They like to boil flowers ma-war and wash hair with water, so that their hair like fragrant roses. Oman Women also like the color-color light. According to them, as more and more color on the clothes or jewelry, will be more users look beautiful. Nevertheless, the vibrant colors of this kind are often covered long robes called the abaya. Oman also many women who wear jilbab or veil, which is considered to be able to make their eyes appear sexy.
Brazil women have often received a compliment on the beauty me guess. But unfortunately there has been a perfect beauty of a national obsession. Women who grow in Brazil was not having the confidence on the body and face it. They have an average body weight 55-65 kg, and the pressure to lean often make women there to take extreme steps. Brazil is the largest consumer diet pill in the world. In addition, women themselves seem like Brazil fit. Previously, only the girls who have not married a painstaking exercise to maintain their body weight, but at this time even women who are married and have children as well.
For women who can not get mem-ideal body is reasonable, a plastic surgery option. Brazil is a country in which the second operation in the most plastic-do, after the United States. There three or four outstanding magazine specifically about plastic surgery. Previously their interested to improve the form of their buttocks, but the trend has now shifted to breast enlargement.
Beauty even become the main priority in a poor district. In Rocinha, most of the poor in Brazil where women have little money, beauty salon scattered everywhere. Brazil has a lot of people wavy dark hair, but hair that are in at this time is blonde and straight. As a result, the women-and poor-rich-crowd berbondong align and color blonde rambtu them. Women in there willing to spend even half of gajinya for hair care and beauty.
With so much pressure to have big breasts, thin, blonde and, not infrequently women in Brazil are suffering from confidence crisis. Moreover, in Brazil, the people on the weight of the body is fair-like on the weather.
Let's move on to other parts of the world. Can you guess the state where the plastic surgery nose the most? Not in the United States or Brazil, but in the conservative Muslim country Iran! In countries where women must cover their body and hair, plastic surgery to enhance the nose is estimated to be 60,000 times a year.
In Iran, because that is a woman's face is, they are concentrating on this part to show their kecantikkan. The difference with women in other countries that keep their plastic surgery, women in Iran who had nose surgery with open discuss. After OPE-constellation, roller nose will be used straightforward. This is because the right-disebab plastic surgery is very expensive in Iran, and women-me see it as a roller status symbols. Even some women who still wear perbannya until two years after the operation. Saking ngetopnya nose surgery, the women who still have not been able to do so placed the bandage on their nose.
Almost all countries in the modern, lean body is a standard for beauty. But in the West African country's body fat is considered more attractive. Mauritania is a country located on the northwest coast of Africa. There, women are considered fat section. Consequently, during in tens years, young girls made the subject of practice gayage or pemaksaan eat-to-gemukkan them and make them preferred males. In Mauritania, the more fat your body, will be easier for you to find a husband.
Although pemaksaan coral-eating se prohibited by governments, old habits are difficult in remote areas of that country. Girls are still young to spend the days they were forced to drink milk and eat a high fat onta. If they vomit, they will be forced to eat again. In the cities the more advanced, the women also do everything well for fat, including the purchase of drugs is illegal penggemuk livestock market in the dark. Consequently, many women with health problems, namely high blood, heart disease, and diabetes. However, it does not make a woman desires to have the body fat. For if they were thin, they are considered not healthy or sick. Ankle fat, big arms, buttocks and the super size is considered the most beautiful body of a woman. And do not worry if they have a stretch mark, because men like Mauritania!
Fat is not the things that are considered sexy for a woman Mauritania. Divorced women who had also considered very interesting. The more divorce, the more attractive a woman.
Women who suffer headaches during pregnancy face the risk is greatest for stroke and fell ill a variety of blood vessel disease, one organization said that U.S. scientists melandasi their opinions on the case control studies,
The findings, which broadcast in the BMJ, international general medical journals, publication this weekend, found that pregnant women who suffer migraine may be 15 times more than other women to suffer stroke, two times more likely to experience heart attack and three times more likely to to thrombosis and other heart trouble during the pregnancy.
"Care is needed both before birth. Women with migraine weight steadily during pregnancy have to be aware of all the risk factor they face, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, history of thrombosis, heart disease and stroke," said the leader researchers in the study, Dr. Cheryl Bushnell, experts nerve in Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.
"It seems there is also the relationship between the headache and preeclampsia, pregnancy complications, one of the most common and most dangerous," said Bushnell.
Bushnell and colleagues analyze data from 33,956 pregnant women who suffer migraine diagnosed.
According to the study, the headache appears on as many as 26 percent of women who are pregnant. Women aged 35 years and over are more likely to suffer migraine during pregnancy.
Women aged 40 years and over 2.4 times more likely fell ill for migraine compared with women under the age of 20 years, and white women are more likely to fell ill headache compared with the women's race or any race.
"Migraine, particularly those related to the aura, or visual changes during headache, have been previously associated with stroke and heart attack in women," said Bushnell. "This study further legitimize the relationship between the two."
"No matter what the cause is," added Bushnell, "active migraine during pregnancy should be regarded as a sign of potential heart disease."
Now many beauty products that take advantage of green tea extract property. In fact you can make yourself at home, lho.
Here are practical steps that you can praktikan own at home. Happy to try and start the day with your beautiful skin!
1. Heat one spoon powdered green tea in half a glass of mineral water.
2. Boil until boiling cooled ago.
3. Before sleeping, green tea be smeared evenly on the skin of the face using cotton.
4. Let be merged and not rinsed.
Do this regularly, you will undoubtedly get beautiful skin naturally every woman's dream.
Hair care:
• Hair On-rebounding
Rebounding or smoothing is often used to straighten curly hair or curls. Need special treatment so that the hair does not di-rebounding/smoothing stiff, dry, and rough on the edges. Care that is needed is:
1. Hair mask twice a week. Vitamin-vitamin that is located on the mask, to absorb the strand of hair. Makser be smeared hair from the root to the tip of the hair. Wrapped with hot towels. Leave a few minutes.
2. Use oil or hair conditioner leave on hair conditioner to protect hair from heat kelembapan sun.
3. Cut the tip of the hair (trim) so that the end result of a decrease in drug kriwil hair, not the creep.
4. Forget for coloring hair, except for age smoothing hair or you have more than three months. If hair is damaged, you should not do pengecatan.
• Hair dicat
Cat hair contains a high ammonia, so that will tend to damage the hair color and condition of the original. Hair color paint will be affected as well as reddish dry. You should do:
1. Use a special shampoo for the hair colored. This shampoo contains less detergent, so it does not quickly fade hair color.
2. Do not forget to wear kondisioner specific hair color to stay lembap and smooth.
3. Wear protective hair, if you beraktivitas outside the room in the afternoon.
4. Not too often have equipment that uses heating hair, such as: hair dryer, flat iron, curly iron, or hot roll. Hair will be dry and broken in pieces.
5. Use leave on conditioner or hair oil, so that the hair protected from heat.
• Hair Berketombe
Dandruff, or seborrhea, often occur on the scalp oily. Head of the sticky oily, prone ditempeli dirt. If not immediately cleaned, the dirt will stick to trigger the occurrence of fungi. This fungus attacks the skin of the head, so that's going serpihan-serpihan fine.
How to eliminate dandruff:
1. Select the anti-dandruff shampoo containing zinc, salisilat acid, and selenium sulfide. The material is evidently a mushroom. Use 2-3 times a week.
2. Do not often panasan-oneself. You should wash one's head with a mild shampoo if the sun is often hot.
3. Do not borrow another person's comb, as dandruff can spread through the comb.
4. Use a hair tonic containing anti-dandruff ingredients. Be used after shampoo.
5. Stop the anti-dandruff shampoo if dandruff has disappeared.
6. Many mengonsumsi foods that contain protein and iron found in eggs, fish, nuts, and yogurt.
Science in midwifery, Inkompetensia Serviks term is to take the difference in the neck musculature womb or neck (serviks) that is too soft and weak, so that little opening in the middle of the pregnancy because they were not able to withstand pressure of the larger fetus.
The length of the mouth of the womb during pregnancy is normal 2,5-4 cm. The mouth of the womb is weak, or inkompeten, memendek to be less than 2.5 cm, can be even up to 1.5 cm. This condition is clearly not able to hold the fetus up to the end of pregnancy, because the contraction appears much earlier. As a result, the fetus at risk premature birth.
On a normal pregnancy, the womb neck should always be closed during pregnancy until the meeting ended, ie after reaching 37-38 sunday. This condition usually occurs in the new age when the pregnancy has entered the second or third trimester. Neck before opening the womb this time will cause the baby is born premature and also cause miscarriage.
Causes Weak Neck Rahim
According to dr Wiweko SpOG Budi (K), Division of Reproductive Imunoendokrinologi Department Obstetri and gynecology FKUI-RSCM, women who have weak neck womb usually have a number of specific health history. For example:
- Once on the trauma experienced serviksnya. Trauma such as this because once kuretase.
- He had difficulty time before childbirth so that the process resulted in "damage" in the rahimnya.
- Because operatif certain actions such as the konisasi take some action to the mouth of the womb-shaped cone (mengerucut). Done for therapy and diagnosis if there is suspected malignancy in the mouth of the womb.
- Deviation in rahimnya, had twin pregnant, or have a family history with the same aberration rahimnya on the neck, the most likely suffering from aberration.
- Aberration as the womb is too weak not able to hold weight, the developing fetus. Pregnancy in the womb, such as this are usually only able to survive until the end of the first semester course, and then the fetus will come out.
- The likelihood can also occur in women who had experienced miscarriage in the 2nd trimester, or more than 2 times in a row.
Uterus neck opening in the middle period of pregnancy is generally marked by symptoms such as:
- Bleeding. The most common and often marked with The speck-The speck until bleeding great (a lot of blood volume).
- Feel that the burden is very heavy and concentrated in the lower part of the stomach.
Action to overcome the Inkompetensia Serviks with sewing the mouth of the womb, known as the Shirodkar suture technique. Or also known with cervical cerclage, or fastening the mouth of birth. This can avoid the threat of premature birth fetus. Success factor to 85 - 90 percent.
This is usually done before the pregnancy reaches the age of 20 sunday with "binding" so that the mouth of the womb is closed again until the end of pregnancy and the fetus is ready to be born.
Action "fastening" the mouth of the womb is done with local anesthesia and use the yarn berdiameter 0.5 cm, which can not be absorbed by the body. "Stitches" will be released at the time of the pregnancy reaches the age of 36-37 weeks, or when the baby is ready to be born. So that action fastening function optimally, you must be fasting associated with the pair during intimate 1-2 sunday stable enough to bond.
Fastening this generally will be opened after the pregnancy reaches 37 weeks, pregnancy days is about 7 months, or if there are signs the birth.
Worries and fatigue after the new born babies often make a couple make passionate couple subside, especially in women. When the trauma is managed properly, the sex life can be re-run as well.
Decrease of sexual passion caused by psychological or physical trauma. Reviewed in terms of the physical, women are experiencing drastic changes in the body. Normal birth and the caesar and can cause trauma to the woman.
Take an example, physical trauma can occur at birth. Pengguntingan due to pain in the vagina (episiotomi) to smooth the road to avoid the occurrence of birth perobekan the weight. Of course, this action takes time for healing.
While psychological trauma (psychosis) occur in wanitausaimelahirkanyangbelum ready to understand and manage all affairs of children. From start treating a child, caring for the breasts are ready to remove the milk, the milk is the right to change the diaper business. As a result, mothers feel tired, tired, and cause a spark of decline and are reluctant to be sexual.
Mother of the new birth often feel anxious with the body no longer interesting. Wife of fear can not produce enough breastmilk that the baby needs to feel anxious and with other health conditions. Worries that sometimes does not have experienced it and this is a barrier to make the occurrence of appetite.
Hormone imbalance dituding often also causes the decrease of sexual desire. This hormone imbalance can cause emotional changes that are not well balanced. The young mother is easier to feel annoyed, lazy, want to rage. Despite so, Consultant Adolescent Sex and the Marriage of Curhat Clinic, Semarang dr Iwan Setiawan stressed, hormonal imbalance affect only indirectly. Times after childbed, hormonal back working normally.
Each woman is different kesiapannya. But medically, once again there is no bleeding, the mother may simply have been ready to have sex after the childbed period that usually lasts for 30-40 days. Still considered reasonable if the reluctance to deal with partner agencies, between one to three months after giving birth.
"If you pass the limit means there is something wrong and need proper handling. It is, Communicate immediately with the husband," said Iwan.
Naturally, after passing through the childbed conditions maternal reproductive organs are normal again. Therefore, the position of sex as anything can be done already. Even if there is still pain complaints, due process of the return function of the body has not been held as perfect vagina damping function that has not been returned as they are. However, this complaint may also be muscle cramps, infections, or wounds that are still in the process of healing.
"To menyiasati this, pasutri can make women's position on the top. If the wife is not comfortable and are still afraid to avoid direct and even do not cause prolonged trauma," said alumnus Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University.
As a woman, often mempamerkan you smile oang to the other. There may be a fond smile so wide rows of teeth to show you. There may be a smile without showing teeth. The period of your smile is also different. Maybe two minutes. May be almost a minute. Everything depends on the specific causes. But be careful, every smile that you reveal, may reveal something that you try to hide from other people.
Did you that a real smile, it can be marked by the emergence of contraction-contraction dipinggir the outside eye. If you find a woman with a smile bring signs, the woman truly happy, do not pretend. To understand the actual situation of women, not just the lips with just a smile, should be seen as a whole ..
A man need to pay attention to how big that footprint ditemuinya show the hand. When women do movements that reveal the hand is flat, or cross her legs when seated meluruskannya then again, to expose part pahanya, it is an indication of the intention to show the women's open attitude.
Behavior of others with a similar meaning, which can also be one of the universal body language of women, it is movements in the tilt or rotate the head is able to expose the neck.
Signs that other women feel less happy with her male friend talking, can be seen from the body movements such as excessive foot cross in, fold your hands, or both lips terkatup closely.
Even a woman who frequently touch or tidy hair with fingers hands can diertikan as women who love to get the soap. However, a woman who feels attracted to men when seoang meet, body language can provide a separate hair so that does not cover the face. That may be also regarded as one of the temptations beckon. Meanwhile, even when women leave the hair covering the face or hair covering the face cover part or straggling eyes, the woman can diertikan attempt to reduce the level of a relationship.
Men may also observe the movement of women feet. If the converse movement looks restless legs, or leads to the door, meaning that the women want out of the atmosphere existing at that time. Although he looks happy, for example, with the laugh-laugh or smile much. Conversely, when women began to move the legs I want to release kasutnya, with whimsy and a sugestif, it is a cue sustainable relationship will continue with both.
Middle of the global crisis almost the entire world. However, if you can not be more real treat beauty as all prices to be expensive? How, you must be smart beauty treat themselves at home.
As a fashionista pure taste less complete when the hair is not styled to be more stylish and trendy. Such as clothing, hair also has a role that is not less important in the appearance perfection. Relying hair salon for managing expenditure on special needs. But now, a secret makes hair look perfect can you do at home. In minutes, you will look different.
Based on the results of a survey conducted by the stylist in March 2007, obtained the results that the lovers of the regulation of hair growth trends that simply do not want to appear attractive or stout, but also more creative with the exclusive style.
For them, regulation of hair full of unique signature style that is fresh and fun characteristics that will not be separated until the age increases even. Some 70 percent of people surveyed aged under 25 years. When they go adults, regulation of hair style fun still left with an additional touch of elegant style.
As a new breakthrough in the regulation of hair, play ball with the motto Serious Fun comes to the needs fashionista who want to appear stylish.
"The concept of the play ball is to create regulation consistent with the trends that are very lightweight, dynamic, modern with the use of a simple and fun. Rangkaian can play ball with the finger applied only hands where they are located, while the hairdresser for this series of products intended to support creativity them without limit, "said Queentia Tampubolon, Marketing Manager at L'Oreal Professional okezone found after the event" Launch Two Variant Play Ball Soda Sparkler and Cosmo Spritzer "in Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, Senin (9/2/2009) evening.
Inspired by the movement akrobatik, play ball represents a dynamic personal and energetic. Unique color, dynamic scent, texture and sensational product, creating the world play ball to be serious fun. This concept is by L'Oreal Professional translated through two pentaaan hair needs a very closely with the development of the lifestyle of today, that is serious for activity regulation and formal regulation for exciting activities in leisure time. Serious Fun regulation creates perfect results with the full freedom to be several parts:
Look messy and Hold
For you who spirited young and want to appear stylish, time is now free to express your style with the hair without touching Deviation Paste. This touch can be used on wet or dry hair.
Define volume and
Want to make more Texturized hair with natural luster sensational, you can try variants special gel that is packed in Motion Gelee. Aplikasikanlah on your wet hair dry with a hair dryer to form a dream hair style.
Wewangian unique aroma and fresh luster sensational, Soda Sparkler can answer the needs of your hair. Soft gold glitter to give sparkle without the extra weight makes it grow, makes the hair more easily styled and soft. Semprotkan on all the hair for a more elegant look, or just a little on the effect you want to highlight captivating.
Hair does not tangly
So that the stronger the hair is, you need a touch of Cosmo Spritzer. Play ball develop technology anion-active polymer that forms of order hair more durable, silicon hair to maintain health, and vitamin E so that each strand of hair is not easy teroksidasi. Cosmo Spritzer easy use on the hair a bit wet or dry. Semprotkan Cosmo Spritzer on all the blow-dry hair ago.
Hear the word "piercing", the first reaction is pain relief and pain extraordinary. Who suspected that if one form of art is able to provide maximum sensation sex others.
Piercing is menindik action on the part of the body does not properly ditindik. Now, the piercing has been a part of the lifestyle of children in the big city crowd.
Apart from this, the piercing is done in the usual tongue, nose, breast or stalk that can also provide distinctive sensation. Quoted from the SheKnows, piercing can increase sexual satisfaction with a variety of taste that is not revealed by the words.
Piercing the tongue on the part not only increase your confidence, but also gives different sensation in the oral sex with the pair. Small ball of metal that hang on the tongue, this can provide additional pressure and sensual temptations oral sex experience for you.
You can also add another sensation at the beginning of the game through the power of oral sex with your tongue, something cold and refreshing in the mouth.
Putting breast
Piercing on the hilt breast can also give a different sensation, a feeling that is more sensitive to you will be more inflammable. Part of this is very sensitive not only to make you quickly inflame, but also for couples Bliss for round-round action takes place.
If both of your lives tertantang with something new, try to do the piercing on the genitalia. For women, piercing can be done in the labia or vagina klitoral membrane. Guaranteed, you both will feel the satisfaction of different sexual activities normally.
Piercing should be done on the body clean and free from bacteria. Make sure you also come to terms that there is no regret in the future. For, sexual satisfaction is not a one-party monopoly, but both parties, you and your partner.
Individual pair have foreplay techniques that they feel comfortable and enjoyable. One of them with sex toys. Simply rely on the tool will not reach peak enjoyment perfect if not supported readiness factors themselves.
Have sex like a battle that requires readiness of ammunition, both you and the pairing. Valid-valid only if both of you choose sex toys, lingerie, candles and aromatherapy to support the atmosphere during the make. But before, also make sure that you are ready for battle, ready to attack and attack.
As quoted from the SheKnows, following preparation of a few things about myself before you for the tremendous love:
1. Body care
If there is no self in preparation, it can be difficult for you to reach peak enjoyment paired together. One is the body hygiene. Never menyepelekan this. Enhance your look best paired with caring for themselves, starting the end of the hair to the tip of the toe, so you look "well groomed".
2. Love your own body
Love your own body is the most important part when trying to reach and make orgasme. If you are comfortable with the self, the exploration will be running sex mulus. Principally, when paired together make you imagine that you are make with themselves. You sure are working hard to get the best sexual pleasure peak, as a result you will also feel that, and the pairing of course.
3. Rileks
Time will make, imagine yourself as God mahkluk the most sexy and can tangle with the myriad of resources birahinya hornet. Can place itself as it is not easy. Be relaxed before the act, eg with the use of comfortable lingerie section or drinking a glass of red wine. Now, you're ready to stage the game brought the truth.
4. Open
I first heard the advice that says sexual satisfaction can be easily and quickly if you perform the action beautiful butterfly? According to this advice, you disclose your genital area the withdrawal of butterfly wings are beat. Indeed be strange, but trust, advice is a powerful technique you can to achieve satisfaction with sex couples.
Look at the old leather face and the neck feels great. The face area is a body that is easily visible by others. Various ways have been done, but not much help. Aptos facelift ever try?
In general, the skin began to slack in the age of 35 years. Appear in the wrinkling around the eyes and slack in the cheek area, jaw, and neck.
Now, the present technology has beauty that can be interesting face slack (facelift) you return to the top so fast and young. Without surgery, does not take long, so comfortable and not sick. The answer is Aptos Threads claimed capable of making you look younger 10-15 years of age actually.
Aptos is a procedure that uses beauty Aptos threads with two fine serration of poliprolylene the diselipkan under the skin.
According to dr Deby Susanti Vinski, beauty anti aging doctors owner Perfect Beauty Clinic Beauty Anti-Aging Center, in the conventional facelift, slice the skin allows the possible occurrence of scar appearance. This method also cause side effects such as pain. Because this is the lack of variety, the conventional method facelift little by little began to be abandoned. Instead, the relatively out Aptos not have side effects, the result is more natural.
Historical presence of Aptos
Since 1996 until now, Aptos experienced many developments, particularly in the case of yarn used. Initially, serration on the yarn only one direction. However, the resulting bond is less strong so that the form of a face that is not entered into natural yarn.
Many years later, the thread is used has changed the form of a serrated two-way. This is the thread that is used until now because it can attract skin face up to the maximum increase.
"Perfect Beauty Anti-Aging Center uses the latest Aptos serration with two-way so that when embedded under the skin, and pulling power cengkeramnya become stronger," said Deby dr.
Procedure implementation
Aptos takes about 30 minutes-1 hour. This action is before the first consult with your doctor to find out exactly loose skin problem you face and the area where you want to dikencangkan. Next conducted a series of checks, such as face analysis, blood coagulation factors, and other.
The next stage, local anesthesia pengolesan special cream on the entire face to be in Aptos, to prevent pain. In particular, the face yarn that will be passed, anesthesia injected with a very fine needle, as well as to prevent pain.
Sign in at the core of the action, which is injected a sterile needle size 16 mm to the network under the skin (subkutis).
"When used to tighten cheek, hand entered from the side of the chin and up to menelusup toward the top of the cheekbone. After the needle in, the thread is also included in the hole of the needle. Yarn will continue to be entered until the end of approximately 2 cm along exit from the tip of the needle, "said dr President Deby who is also Indonesian Institute of Aesthetics & Anti-Aging Medicine.
Then, until the needle thread is drawn in the left-subkutis and serration serration two interesting directions to the position of the skin properly. Finally, the rest of the thread is cut and inserted under the skin so the skin surface does not appear to be the rest of the thread.
After the action, the doctor will give medicine to reduce the risk of infection, pain, or swelling. The process of healing quite fast, ie, 3-7 days.
How it works
Aptos provide maximum results for the young face again because I work in the threads in the network faces the skin. This thread need not be taken again because it can stimulate even integrates elastin and collagen under the skin so that regenerasinya good.
Aptos threads tighten skin can survive more than five years. If the skin re-flagging, the Aptos can be repeated again.
"The results will be highly dependent on the conditions and the amount of yarn used. But so far, Aptos terbukti relatively safe and without side effects means that, even if repeated. Yarn diresap that will be planted by the body so as not to repeat the problem in the same place. No wonder if this is the more penggemarnya, both men and women, "said dr Deby, the doctor who first passed the Anti-Aging Medicine Specialization (AAMS) from Paris.
Age limit
Generally, Aptos made by patients aged 30-35 years or when the skin began to loose face and chin began to jackknife, although actually there is no age limit to be able to sting Aptos.
"It is when the skin elasticity is still quite good, so much the amount of collagen and the skin is still elastic. For patients who have anti-aging diterapi until age matangpun, skin conditions can still be good and chewy. Only indeed, need more yarn," strictly from Deby berpraktik in the Road Mirah Kencana No. 48, Permata Hijau, South Jakarta.
Should be obeyed
There are several things that must be obeyed patients after Aptos, which is prohibited touching the face, limit the movement on the face (talking, laughing, singing, and so forth) in a few days, sleeping in the recumbent position in order to perfect Aptos work against gravity, a routine control to the doctor, Feed and keep vitamins and collagen. If necessary, do the anti-aging therapy that also the overall health condition lasting more healthy.