There are aged ladies, looking 10-15 years younger. But there’s a reverse phenomenon too: young women looking older than they are

There are aged ladies, looking 10-15 years younger. But there’s a reverse phenomenon too: young women looking older than they are. This happens because many of them are just unaware of the list of things, adding years to our age. Womanspassions will tell you about things making us old.

1. Early gray hair You can find gray hairs in your splendid chevelure even being 17-25 y.o. Stresses, diets, chronic diseases - they all lead to early gray hair.

Scientists are inclined to think that gray hair appearing before 30-40 years indicates that organism fells lack of something (for example, calcium).
What shall you do? Everything is easy: eat healthy food, take vitamins, go in for sport, walk on fresh air, avoid stresses, i.e. take care of your health. From cosmetic point of view: if you are light-haired, and have no more than 10 gray hairs - you can leave everything as it is.
And if you are dark-haired, and great age is striking, you will have to dye your hair regularly, as gray hair will never allow you looking young. By the way, dark hair, as a rule, usually make you look older, while blonde, to the contrary, make you younger!
Be watchful and dye growing roots in time, otherwise you run risk to disgrace yourself, what happened to celebrities. Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Lopez appeared in public with gray roots. World mass media announced that beauties grew old and plain hopelessly. Don’t repeat other people’s mistakes!

2. Untended hands What can be worse than dry, limp and chapped skin of hands? In winter time this topic is of current importance. What shall you do? Wash dishes and floors in special gloves or apply protective cream. During a day apply your favorite moisturizing cream.

And before going to bed you can massage your hands with Arnica Essential oil, Yves Rocher. There are also anti-pigmental creams, for example: Stop Signs Hand Repair ?®?? Clinique.

You can also remove pigmentation using traditional recipes: mix 1 tea spoon onion juice with 2 tea spoons kombucha extract and apply on hands.

If you have pigmentation on hands, despite of young age, you should definitely pass liver diagnostics - this can be a sign of liver or gall-bladder disease.
Speaking about hand and arms: full forearms are also associated with old woman, who does not take care of herself. So, when you visit a gym, don’t forget about exercises for arms.

3. Limp neck Another traitor is neck! Skin of neck is very thin, that’s why it is especially subjected to premature ageing. Moisture and nourish skin of neck very carefully, like you do with your face. Important moment: take care of your bearing - droop will affect your neck negatively.

Most of us spend much time sitting in offices at PCs: it’s very important to take care of your back and head position. Orthopedic pillow will be good for you. In winter a warm scarf will not only save you from cold, but also protect skin from frosts. You can find neck and décolleté packs in Green Mama, Dizao, and Nikken products.

4. Your grandmother’s perfume Real perfume experts will probably argue, but there’re perfumes, associating with old ladies.

For example, Chanel ?? 5 - this wonderful scent can be associated with mature women, because our grandmas used it.

So, if you feel older in a new perfume, and this cause psychological discomfort - it’s better refusing from it.

5. Tired look
Troubles at work, life and family problems - and you are walking along the street looking sad or embittered. Then you should know: this moment other people think you are older than you really are.
Problem look says your life is not good. This look alienates people.
What shall you do? Love life, enjoy little pleasures, communicate with people. Everybody has problems or will have them. But you still have to love life.

6. Dress too old for your age Imagine a young girl in a skirt in midi lengths, of course, she will look more serious and??¦ older!

Clothes with shoulder supports, shapeless garment, ladies’ blouses and coats, crude orthopedic footwear also will make you old.
7. Bright makeup
Makeup, as a mature woman’s attribute, makes one look older, in general. You know, many young girls, going outside without makeup, say that people recognize them as teenagers. And bright, rich makeup can make a real lady of a girl.

Many girls feel uncomfortable with bright manicure, they say it makes them older.

Distinct nasolabial folds will also add years to your age, so do not forget to lighten them with a concealer. Pay attention to Touche Eclat corrector, Yves Saint Laurent.

8. Wrinkles Wrinkles are the most evident old age attribute. Struggle with skin ageing is executed at full speed: cosmetic companies invent new items very often. Thus, just recently American scientists developed “Amatokin“, activating human stem cells, and that’s why it can smooth out even deepest wrinkles.

Young girls should remember that it is easier to prevent appearance of wrinkles, than get rid of them. That’s why you should use sunblocks and moisture skin regularly.

The better you treat your skin in young age, the better it will look in mature age.

For young girls we can recommend Age Fitness Power 2 cream, Biotherm, against first wrinkles and Myokine, Vichy, for those who already disregarded their skin.

9. Limp body It is considered that so-called “orange peel” is peculiar only to mature women. However this statement is mistaken, as even young slim girls can have cellulite.

You should combine different methods while struggle with this trouble: balanced nutrition, sport, problem areas massage, usage of anti-cellulite creams, like, for example, Lipophenol Vegetal, Yves Rocher, Bodytonic Rollerball, Garnier, Goog-bye cellulite, Nivea.
10. Intense sunburn
Intense sunburn dehydrates skin, contributing to quick ageing. Brown face and body tone makes a woman looking older. What shall you do? Be moderate in everything.