The first and general mistake is formulated this way: “They need only one thing”. This is just an old legend

The first and general mistake is formulated this way: “They need only one thing”. This is just an old legend. Hard workers get tired so much on their work now, that they are just dreaming of falling asleep as soon as they can, and businessmen visit sexperts in spare time, so that they could at least want something.
Second, quite dangerous mistake: “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. Firstly, where should you start this way to come to a stomach through heart? It’s an obvious nonsense. And secondly, cooking ability is as natural for a woman, as flirting. Some women do this better, some worse. And only a man, crazy on food, can be kept by your dainties. More simply, a glutton. They can do nothing more.
Mistake 3. “A man should be a little more beautiful, than a monkey”. A man can be even much more beautiful, than his far ancestor, but anyway, any appearance is compensated with intellect, wittiness and kindness. Even with money - very actually nowadays! So, accept men the way they are, and don’t tell them about some mythical duty over and over again.
Mistake 4. “It’s easy to deceive them”. May be once, but not every man. If a man cannot discover deceit, this means he’s either an utter fool, or ??¦ absolutely indifferent to his girlfriend. Choose the best variant for you.
Mistake 5. “All men are lazy-bones in private life” What a gibberish! They are lazy-bones only when they receive an appropriate upbringing from their loving mummy or wife. Under certain circumstances you can turn even a pathologically thrifty and energetic man into a drone in slippers lying on sofa in front of TV.
And the last, 6 mistake: “There’re no fair men now”. Another beautiful granny’s legend. Have you ever seen those real men? Probably you haven’t, only read about them in books and saw in movies. It’s quite possible, that men were same in previous ages, but they tried to show their image to the best advantage for descendants.
So, learn all these rules by heart and make proper conclusions. Accept men the way they are and don’t drive unhappy creatures mad with categorical affirmations, like: “You need a servant, not wife!” Even if you’re right, he still will be offended. He has not enough money for a servant, you know.
In general, beware of stony mistakes. And where there is a will there is a way??¦